
At the end of the day this was easier than last season. Was able to get it done on the first week of the catch-up node. Maybe I’m just getting better at the game? Only two Battlegrounds also helped but honestly had the most struggles LFG with Hypernet. Solar on the artifact for Season 23 is really strong. Bungie also really needs to address resilience issues. Unless it’s something mammoth nothing should one-shot you in this game.
New dungeon armor with paid Dawning shader is an amazing winter look. Peregrine Greaves are a blast.
Suspend titan nerf sucks but still good in the right hands. Proud of getting this one in Season of the Witch for the first time. All LFG limited comms, and particularly with three Battgrounds in the mix. Will probably do a few Devil’s Lair’s for a few extra Adept Warden’s Law next week.
Sound effects can be found in the following directory if you bought the game on Steam.
Steam\steamapps\common\Vampire Survivors\resources\app.webpack\renderer\assets\sfx
These audio files are in Ogg Vorbis format but can be converted to MP3 using your favorite media player or audio editor.
Recently there has been discussion regarding on the game Hades among my social circle. The merit of the title has been polarizing so here are my quick impressions of the title. Played on PC using controller with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.
Immediately the game makes a great impression. The music, art, and control responsiveness is top notch. This is all in line with Bastion, a previous game by Supergiant Games I highly enjoyed on Xbox Live Arcade. Hope Jen Zee is well paid because the art is glorious.
I will admit there’s never been a “rougelike” I’ve ever liked. Over time I keep trying them and I keep quickly bouncing off of them. First impressions Hades feels “rogue-lite” and for me that welcome. After three runs I was able to progress to the first boss then came close to defeating it. The challenge doesn’t feel unsurmountable and there is a charm to the game that doesn’t make it feel frustrating.
One plus with having Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is Hades is available on both PC and Xbox One so my my save data will be available cross platform. I can see coming back to this game over time and just throwing runs at it. Defiantly not going to grind it. The advice to do a few runs then put it down and come back later is appropriate.
At the end of the day initial impressions leave me in the middle of the road. Much respect for the work and craft put into the game. It’s approachable and charming but just not the style of games I typically enjoy. Not going to drop it but not going to grind it either. Time will tell the tale…