Author: vanlandw
I am vanlandw
Originally Posted March 18, 2013
Vamp: You, too… Immortal?
Raiden: No. I just don’t fear death.
When Google posted in October 2011 the removal of social features from Google Reader the writing as already on the wall. Google Reader is not immortal and did not fear death.
Last week Google posted in July 2013 they will be “powering down” (putting to death) Google Reader entirely. As a “user” of Google Reader practically daily this is a rather big deal. As a “customer” of Google Reader I guess it doesn’t matter as they offered a free service and who knows if they ever made a dime off me.
Would I pay to continue using Google Reader? Yup, being able to browse to ‘’ anywhere is awesome and have all the sites I frequent up to date is important to me
Would I pay for a service that does the same thing as Google Reader? Yup, being able to browse to ‘’ anywhere is awesome and have all the sites I frequent up to date is important to me.
Who gives a crap about this anymore. Google blowing away a free service lots of people still use is not news anymore. The big news is what will be the
♫ Death Toll ♫
Honestly, I never found the true ‘’. Much of this was also around changing jobs and not having the same amount of time to loaf online. Great memories of RDP’ing into a a home server to use AIM and Google Reader while fielding phone calls working in an actual office. What’s even more sad is all that remains of AOL Instant Messenger is this pathetic Tumblr blog.
It’s interesting because if you look online you can still see people lamenting the loss of Google Reader. is just a sad 404 now. RSS took a huge blow that day and I think so many people just adapted to a life without it.
Note: Death Toll still slams.
New Content – Classic REposts has had a lot of iterations over the years. Much of that content has either been saved offline or just lost to time.
The idea is recovering and archiving this content. From there I would add some new comments. Calling this series ‘Classic Reposts’. All the content will be posted under the Classic REposts tag.
Slipknot Albums Ranked
As of October 12th, 2021, subject to be changed at anytime.
1 Slipknot (Original release or 10th anniversary edition that includes Purity)
2 Iowa (Disasterpiece alone puts this here, it’s awesome live.)
3 We Are Not Your Kind (Solway Firth alone puts this here, it’s awesome live. Including All Out Life as part of this album )
4 .5: The Gray Chapter (There is defiantly good stuff on here)
5 All Hope is Gone (Sulfur and Dead Memories are just way too catchy)
6 Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) (Something with the mastering of this album is off, always sounds off and scratchy)

Tool Albums Ranked
As of September 27th, 2021, subject to be changed at anytime.
1 Lateralus
2 Fear Inoculum
3 Undertow
4 Aenima
5 10,000 Days

In Flames Records Ranked
As of January 30th 2021, subject to be changed at anytime.
Updated 9/9/2023 – Added Foregone adjusted Soundtrack to Your Excape
1 Come Clarity
2 Soundtrack to Your Escape
3 Colony
4 Sounds of a Playground Fading
5 Clayman
6 A Sense of Purpose
7 Reroute to Remain
8 Foregone
9 Whoracle
10 The Jester Race (Just for Moonshield)
11 Siren Charms
12 I, the Mask
13 Battles

Deftones Records Ranked
As of January 30th 2021, subject to be changed at anytime.
1 Adrenaline
2 Koi No Yokan
3 White Pony
4 Ohms
5 Around the Fur
6 Diamond Eyes
7 Deftones
8 Gore
9 Saturday Night Wrist

Quick Impressions on Hades
Recently there has been discussion regarding on the game Hades among my social circle. The merit of the title has been polarizing so here are my quick impressions of the title. Played on PC using controller with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

Immediately the game makes a great impression. The music, art, and control responsiveness is top notch. This is all in line with Bastion, a previous game by Supergiant Games I highly enjoyed on Xbox Live Arcade. Hope Jen Zee is well paid because the art is glorious.

I will admit there’s never been a “rougelike” I’ve ever liked. Over time I keep trying them and I keep quickly bouncing off of them. First impressions Hades feels “rogue-lite” and for me that welcome. After three runs I was able to progress to the first boss then came close to defeating it. The challenge doesn’t feel unsurmountable and there is a charm to the game that doesn’t make it feel frustrating.
One plus with having Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is Hades is available on both PC and Xbox One so my my save data will be available cross platform. I can see coming back to this game over time and just throwing runs at it. Defiantly not going to grind it. The advice to do a few runs then put it down and come back later is appropriate.

At the end of the day initial impressions leave me in the middle of the road. Much respect for the work and craft put into the game. It’s approachable and charming but just not the style of games I typically enjoy. Not going to drop it but not going to grind it either. Time will tell the tale…
Cat Lick Gif

It’s been some time since has been available. Going forward expect nothing but be glad this site now resolves to something.